The Road to Recovery Takes Time

The Road to Recovery Takes Time – Don’t Give Up Too Soon!

by Marcia Hinds   It is not like I woke up one day and BAM my kid was better. Although Ryan is now an aerospace engineer, his recovery from autism was S-L-O-W.  It took years.  After two steps forward, he’d take one step back. Sometimes it was two steps forward, three steps back. In…


What the Heck Is the MTHFR Gene Mutation? And What Does it Have to Do With Autism?

by Marcia Hinds   The term MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate) may sounds like a “bad word,” but it isn’t.  It is just an acronym for a very important enzyme our bodies need.  The MTHFR plays an important role in the methylation cycle.  Cutting edge research has clearly linked impaired methylation problems with autoimmune conditions like autism…


Three Easy Steps To Make the Medicine Go Down

by Marcia Hinds   Just getting Ryan to take the medications at the beginning of his medical treatment was a major accomplishment. Back then, he was still too young to swallow pills. And some of the medications only came in adult sizes. I tried what seemed like a hundred different ways to solve this…
