no one should ever have to go to middle school

No One Should Ever Have To Go To Middle School By Ryan Hinds   Ryan’s mom says… Middle school can be the hardest time for many kids. But for kids with autism or the ones who don’t quite fit, it can be horrendous. One of the mistakes I made was to keep Ryan in an awful situation. I should have homeschooled him during those difficult years. I…

Why Can't I Be a Dad Just Like Everyone Else

Why Couldn’t I Just Be A Dad…Like Everyone Else?

by Frank Hinds – Megan and Ryan’s Dad   I’ve never been an emotional person. I’m a linear, logical, place-for-everything and everything-in-its-place kind of guy. That served me well throughout Navy ROTC, flight school, and commercial aviation. To say I was ill-equipped to deal with Ryan’s autism may be the understatement of my life.…
