How to Find the Right Doctor to Beat Autism?

by Marcia Hinds   Children are recovering from autism and yet most doctors don’t even know this is possible. Finding the right doctor to treat the subset of autism our children suffer from, still remains one of our biggest challenges. Autism is complicated and results from many medical issues combined. Because our medical community…

The Road to Recovery Takes Time

The Road to Recovery Takes Time – Don’t Give Up Too Soon!

by Marcia Hinds   It is not like I woke up one day and BAM my kid was better. Although Ryan is now an aerospace engineer, his recovery from autism was S-L-O-W.  It took years.  After two steps forward, he’d take one step back. Sometimes it was two steps forward, three steps back. In…

Motivation is the Key to Success

Motivation Is Key To Success!

by Marcia Hinds   For Ryan, we used our own modified version of ABA to teach him all the things he missed when he was too ill to learn. Children who have autism do not find the same things rewarding as typical children. It is not always easy to identify what is rewarding for…

My Husband’s Letter to the Psychiatrist Who First Diagnosed Ryan

by Marcia Hinds   One of my favorite things Ryan’s dad did through the years was kind of vindictive and even a little mean. Whenever Ryan did anything extraordinary, Frank sent an email to the psychiatrist who diagnosed my son. He’d inform her of the new and wonderful skill Ryan just accomplished.  He especially…

Is there a “CURE” for Autism ?

by Marcia Hinds   What if the word “Autism” had never existed and ever increasing numbers children were showing up in schools without speech, lost in their own worlds, and having unexplained seizures?   Would we be diagnosing these children with some psychiatric “developmental disorder?”  Or would we be looking for root causes of their…