Motivation is the Key to Success

Motivation Is Key To Success!

by Marcia Hinds   For Ryan, we used our own modified version of ABA to teach him all the things he missed when he was too ill to learn. Children who have autism do not find the same things rewarding as typical children. It is not always easy to identify what is rewarding for…

Don’t Judge Your Child’s Progress By How Much Language They Have

by Marcia Hinds   Don’t measure your children’s progress by how much language they have. It takes a “typical” child almost three years to learn language, so if your child doesn’t immediately start speaking after beginning medical treatments that doesn’t mean the interventions aren’t working. After you address the immune issues, you still need an…

medical treatment alone is not enough

For Autism Recovery – We Combined Medical, Behavioral and Educational Interventions

by Marcia Hinds   It is important to remember you can’t believe all you are told about autism.  That is especially true when it comes to knowing that autism is medical and TREATABLE!  Almost all kids improve when the multiple problems with their immune systems can be corrected.  Children are recovering from autism and…

To Siri With Love…use what your kids love or obsess over to teach them

by Marcia Hinds   For most of us, Siri is merely a helpful phone app. But for children with autism, she can be so much more. For Gus, who didn’t quite understand how back and forth conversational skills are done, Siri is a nonjudgmental friend and teacher.  Judith Newman is Gus’s mom and wrote…