The Road to Recovery Takes Time

The Road to Recovery Takes Time – Don’t Give Up Too Soon!

by Marcia Hinds – Megan and Ryan’s Mom It is not like I woke up one day and BAM my kid was better. Although Ryan is now an aerospace engineer, his recovery from autism was S-L-O-W.  It took years.  After two steps forward, he’d take one step back. Sometimes it was two steps forward,…

Motivation is the Key to Success

Motivation Is Key To Success!

By Marcia Hinds – Ryan’s Mom For Ryan we used our own modified version of ABA to teach him all the things he missed when he was too ill to learn. But to be effective it was essential to discover what my child loved and use that to teach him. Children who have autism…

Why Do Our Kids Sometimes Get Worse Before They Get Better? — antiviral and antifungal medications

Antiviral and Antifungal Medications and Die-off by Marcia Hinds – Megan and Ryan’s mom My son is now recovered and an aerospace engineer.  For him, antiviral and antifungal medications were life-changing. When I first looked up the side effects of these prescription drugs, I was terrified. But I soon realized that if my son…