Today, my son said “Mom.” It was no mistake. He came downstairs and looked at me and said “Mom,” I even had someone witness this incredible event. Later that same day, we had our two week follow up appointment with our Speech and Language Professional (SLP) that is overseeing our ABA program.
After I told our speech professional that Thomas had said “Mom” this morning, she said…”Well, you realize that children with apraxia will often say a word and you may not hear it repeatedly or it can be some time before he say’s it again.” I nodded my head and said, “I understand.”
But I knew with every inch of my heart that my son deliberately intended to speak my name. I knew exactly what was happening with my child. Thomas was healing, getting better, and making the connections he was previously not able to do before right before my eyes. I know that these well-meaning professionals often say things to keep us from becoming discouraged along the way. However, I am not discouraged in the least, nor do I have reason to be.
I know the speech teacher was just trying to protect my feelings, but I can’t be fooled. Maybe if he had looked at me and said “Pig” or “Cow” then I would say it was a fluke, but not today. We had been working on “M’s” for the past week. He with the help of his ABA therapist worked on speech twice a day. So I emailed his therapist last night and told her how excited I was for her to get here today. In my message I told her Thomas had such a wonderful weekend and was using his “M’s” whenever we asked him to.
No one can steal this blessing from me. Thomas, you are right and they are wrong. I am “Mom”.
NOTE FROM MARCIA HINDS – Megan and Ryan’s mom:
Ryan began to learn and act more typical only after he received proper medical treatment combined with behavioral and educational interventions. To preview “I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE – Winning Our War Against Autism” go to Amazon or