Mardi Gras for Autism

The 7th annual “Mardi Gras for Autism” will raise money for autism charities and special education. The Fullerton Cares organization makes all this fun possible!  Check out their website to find out more about what they are doing: The FREE family carnival benefit, ‘Mardi Gras for Autism’ will be held outside Bourbon Street Bar and…

Autism Intensive Online Summit

The tide is turning. We are winning the war! More and more leading physicians, researchers, and professionals are realizing that there are subtypes of autism. They see that many children are physically ill and can improve dramatically, even recover, with proper treatment. You know that this is a subject I am very passionate about, because…

Women Leading Health-Care Innovation and Family Recovery from Autism

Women Leading Health Care will feature: Carolyn Gammicchia, Executive Director and Co-founder, L.E.A.N. On Us; Advisor, National Center for Criminal Justice and Disability Marcia Hinds, Author of I Know You’re in There; Educational and Behavioral Consultant Mary Romaniec, Author of Victory over Autism; Reporter; Advocate; TACA Massachusetts Chapter Dr. Robert L. Hendren, Professor of Psychiatry,…

Talkin Live with Eli

Talkin Live with Eli is a weekly radio show talking about autism awareness, The Homeless, and Underprivileged. Eli talks with guests about ways they are giving back to the community and how autism and other causes affect their everyday life. This week’s guest is Marcia Hinds to talk about her son’s recovery from autism and…