grandma could fix anything except autism

Grandma Could Fix Anything … Except Autism – Guest Blog by Dr. Melinda Sharma of Autism Spectrum GPS

by Dr. Melinda Sharma   A note from Marcia.. Dr. Sharma is the one I turn to whenever I have a question concerning our children’s immune system or anything medical.  Melinda has a PhD in immunology and microbilogy and is probably the smartest woman I have ever met. But more than that, Melinda is…

Dear MOM in the Parking Lot – Guest Blog by Kimberlee Rutan McCafferty

by Kimberlee Rutan McCafferty   A note from Marcia.. This guest post is by Kimberlee Rutan McCafferty, mother to two sons on the autism spectrum and an Autism Family Partner at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). Kim is also the author of a blog at Kim’s book Raising Autism: Surviving the Early Years is on sale on Amazon…