by Natalie Renee Steffen


A Note from Marcia…

Natalie’s  husband is a SUPER DAD! But what she experienced here is another one of those days that put us up on the ledge and ready to jump. We all have them when we have a kid with autism. After reading this account, most of us will say out loud,” Maybe my kid isn’t so bad!” I agree with Natalie when she says Landen’s dad should get the award for father of the year!


Now here’s Natalie…

My husband is father of the year, hands down!

Landen and my husband went to get the brakes checked on my Honda Pilot. The dealership takes the car and said it will be done in 30 mins. Ok, 30 mins for a severely Autistic child is 3 hours.

Starting off, my husband smells poop and of course there was a big stack in his diaper. My husband thinks, great the diaper bag is in the car up in the air. So he rushes Landen to the restroom and was able to salvaged 1 of the diapers he was wearing (we double diaper to help with leaks) and cleaned him up as much as he could while in the stall.

Then he takes him to the sink to wash his bottom with soap and water because he still was a mess. Meanwhile, people are coming in and out of the restroom, and yes, unfortunately Landen had to be naked from the bottom down; people are looking at my husband like he’s a nut.

Landen gets away from my husband and bolts towards the door bottomless, while my husband’s yelling don’t let him out the door, he’s Autistic. A man said, “Wow, Autistic kids don’t act that way.” Yes they do, you just rarely see the severely Autistic children!!!

Ok, now my son’s dressed again with only a little poop area that my husband scrubbed off his shirt, and a missing button that Landen somehow managed to eat. Hubby washes his hands while Landen starts licking the bathroom floor.

They get out of the restroom and my husband goes to get a cup of coffee. This is an entire new episode that needs to be written by itself… It’s another challenging moment.

America wake up!!! Autism is not just little corks and a different way of learning. People do not even know what Autism is because the label is used so loosely, and outsiders see regular functioning children that are labeled Autistic. Why would people choose not to vaccinate when they feel Autism is easy? Autism is not easy and needs to be defined separately from the long listed ASD set-up. Vaccines suck and have no business being injected into any human being! ❤


NOTE FROM MARCIA HINDS – Ryan and Megan’s mom:

Ryan began to learn and act more typical only after he received proper medical treatment combined with behavioral and educational interventions. To preview “I KNOW YOU’RE IN THERE – Winning Our War Against Autism” go to Amazon or


ALONE there is little we can do about autism…
TOGETHER we will be unstoppable