by Marcia Hinds


Why do our kids sometimes get that rash (tiny looking pimples) on their cheeks, back, and sometimes the back of their arms or legs?

Ryan used to have this until after we started the antifungal and antiviral medications to reduce the stress on his immune system. As his immune system became less dysregulated and started to function better, these things went away along with the sound sensitivity, low muscle tone, clumsiness, weird noises and all the rest of the things we hate about autism!

Sometimes just by eliminating small things that caused his immune system to activate, big things happened. Remember this is a question of reducing the “total load” on the immune system. And just doing the simple things like changing the filters in your heater monthly (instead of every three months) or switching to a laundry detergent without perfumes and dyes can lower the stress on their systems.

Parents are the best detectives for figuring out what things most affect our kids.  Trust your instincts and remember you know your kid best! I could tell if Ryan accidentally got dairy or if there was hidden dairy in a food he ate.  That’s when his ears got red, or the stimming and noises increased. When that happened with a particular food, I eliminated it from his diet as much as possible.

But that doesn’t mean you should get up and worry all day about what is okay to feed our kids. I was THAT crazy mom! Just take care of eliminating the big triggers and forget the rest. For Ryan, that meant I only eliminated the foods in the HIGHLY reactive section of his blood allergy test. In the beginning, there would have been nothing left to feed him if I had included the foods in the moderately or slightly reactive categories.

After his immune system improved, we repeated the same allergy test and he was hardly allergic to anything. Our kids do not have a true allergy to most of these foods and chemicals that send them in a tailspin. It only looks that way, since their immune systems are so broken and they react to everything. It is kind of like standing on one foot, it is easy to be knocked over when you do that. But when you have two feet or a working immune system firmly planted, that is no longer the case.  And that’s when our kids start to learn what they couldn’t before medical intervention.


NOTE FROM MARCIA HINDS – Ryan and Megan’s mom:

Ryan began to learn and act more typical only after he received proper medical treatment combined with behavioral and educational interventions. To preview “I KNOW YOU’RE IN THERE – Winning Our War Against Autism” go to Amazon or


ALONE there is little we can do about autism…
TOGETHER we will be unstoppable